

Peddy BV respects the privacy of the users of its app and the visitors of its website, especially the rights of visitors with regards to automated processing of personal data. In light of full transparency towards our customers, we have formulated and implemented a policy with regards to the data processing, its objective(s) as well as data owners’ ability to optimally exercise their rights. 

For all additional information about personal data protection, please refer to the website of the Data Protection Authority:

Article 1: Legal provisions

  1. The Website (hereinafter: “Peddy website”) and
  2. The app (hereinafter: “Peddy app”)
  1. Party responsible for processing personal data (Hereinafter: “The Controller”): Peddy BV, located at Johan Huizingalaan 763a, 1066 VH Amsterdam, Chamber of commerce number: 67621910.

Article 2: Access to the Peddy app and the Peddy website

Access to the Peddy app and the website and their use is strictly personal. Use for commercial or political objectives, or publishing of (the data and information provided in) the Peddy app and Peddy website, as well as any commercial offerings and especially unsolicited use is strictly prohibited.

Article 3: The content of the Peddy app/website

All brands, images, copy, comments, illustrations, (animation) images, video material, sounds, and all technical applications that can be used to help the website function as well as more generally speaking all elements used in this website, are protected by intellectual property law.

Any reproduction, replication, use or modification, in any way, of the whole or a part of the whole, including technical applications, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent of the data controller. If the controller does not take immediate action against a breach, this shall not be interpreted as a silent form of consent or waiving of legal action.

Article 4: Administration of the app and website

In order to assure proper administration of the Peddy app and the Peddy website, the controller may at any time:

Article 5: Responsibility

The controller cannot be held liable for failure, outages, problems or interrupted functioning of the app/website, rendering the app/website or one of its functionalities inaccessible. 

The way in which you seek to connect with the app/website is your own responsibility. You shall take all suitable precautions to protect your equipment and data from, but not limited to, mobile/internet virus attacks. In addition, you are responsible for the mobile device you use and the data you consult online.

The controller is not liable for legal procedures against you:

The controller is not responsible for any damages incurred by yourself or third parties or caused to your equipment as a result of your connection with or use of the app/website. Consequently, you shall refrain from any legal action against the controller.

If the controller gets involved in a dispute as a result of your use of this app/website, he is entitled to recover from you all damages suffered and yet to be suffered as a result. 

Article 6: Collecting data

Your data is collected by Petty BV. Personal data includes: all information about an identified or identifiable natural person; identifiable refers to a natural person who can be directly or indirectly identified, especially based on an identifier such as a name, identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or several elements describing physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity.

The personal data collected on the website is primarily used by the controller for maintaining a relationship with you and, if applicable, for processing your orders.  

Article 7: Your rights pertaining to your data

Based on GDPR article 13 paragraph 2 sub b, anyone has the right to view and rectify or deletion of their personal data or limiting the relevant processing, as well as the right to object the processing and the right to data portability. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at 

Any request shall be accompanied by a copy of a valid signed ID and the address that can be used to contact you. Your request will be answered within 1 month of the filed request. Depending on the complexity of the requests and the number of requests, this term can be extended by 2 months if necessary.

Article 8: Processing the personal data

In the case of violation of any legislation, of which the visitor is suspected and that requires the data protection authorities to be provided personal data collected by the controller, that data shall be forwarded to them upon explicit and motivated request by such authorities. Consequently, such personal data shall no longer be protected by the provisions of this privacy statement. 

If certain information is required to gain access to certain functionalities of the app/website, the data controller shall indicate the mandatory nature of this information upon requesting the information.

Article 9: Commercial offering

You may receive commercial offerings from the controller.  If you don’t want to receive those (anymore), please send an email to the following address:

If you encounter any personal data while visiting the website, you are to refrain from collecting them and from unauthorised use, as well as from any act that leads to violation of the personal privacy of that person/those persons. Under no circumstances is the controller liable in the aforementioned situations. 

Article 10: Data retention period

The data collected by the website administrator is used and retained for a period as stipulated by law and in the case of the Peddy app, as per the agreement with you.

Article 11: Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the hard disk of your computer as you visit our website. A cookie contains data so that you can be recognised as a visitor each time you visit our website. This allows us to personalise the configuration of our website and ease the process of logging yourself in.  

When you visit our website, cookies from the controller and/or third parties may be installed on your device. 

For more information about the use, administration and deletion of cookies for each operating system, please consult the following link:

Article 12: Footage and offered products

No rights may be derived from the footage pertaining to products offered on the website.

Article 13: Applicable law

These terms and conditions are governed by Dutch Law. The court of the controller’s place of business is exclusively authorised in the case of any disputes surrounding these terms, except in cases where legal exception pertains.